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Eclipse Jetty 7 Archive Home

Jetty WTP Plugin/Jetty WTP External WebApp

Using an External Web Application

Sometimes you want to use a web application that you created by other means than generating a Dynamic WEB Project (for example, by using Ant).

For instance, the Jetty7 distribution provides a test.war which shows you the features of Jetty 7 (WebSocket..). Here we use this WAR without creating a Dynamlc Web Project to start it.

  1. Copy test.war from D:\Servers\jetty-distribution-7.1.6.v20100715\webapps.

  2. Jetty-wtp-external1.jpg

  3. unzip test.war in D:\tmp :

  4. Jetty-wtp-external2.jpg

  5. Navigate to the Modules tab of your Jetty server, in this case Jetty v7.0 Server at localhost .

  6. Jetty-wtp-external3.jpg

  7. Click Add External Web Module .
  8. The Add Module dialog box opens.


  9. In the Document base field, enter D:\tmp\test .
  10. For the Path, enter /test (this is the context path).
  11. Click OK .
  12. The test module is now in the Web Modules list.


    The page http://localhost:8080/test/ now shows you Jetty home test WAR:
